Un mondo a portata di mano con la sua Global Card Platinum.

In qualità di titolare Platinum, beneficerà di un’accettazione mondiale, di vantaggi ineguagliabili e di un servizio eccezionale.

  • Concierge Service 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, 365 giorni all’anno
  • Digital Priority Pass™ per l’accesso illimitato a oltre 1’300 VIP lounge
  • Assicurazione viaggi completa


Concierge sempre a sua disposizione


Accesso privilegiato
agli eventi
più esclusivi al mondo


Tavoli esclusivi
in alcuni dei migliori
ristoranti al mondo


Contatti il suo concierge per risparmiare tempo prezioso e per il disbrigo delle faccende quotidiane


Si affidi al suo concierge
per gestire ogni dettaglio
del suo viaggio


Si rilassi al riparo dal trambusto e la confusione dell’area partenze

In qualità di titolare di una Global Card Platinum, potrà approfittare del Digital Priority Pass™, con permanenze illimitate e gratuite, per sé ed i suoi ospiti, presso più di 1’300 lounge aeroportuali aderenti all’iniziativa in tutto il mondo.


Senza pensieri ovunque nel mondo

Si goda la sicurezza e spensieratezza ovunque si trovi nel mondo. La nostra assicurazione viaggi gratuita offre a lei e alla sua famiglia una protezione e un’assistenza completa.




card 24 App

Per gestire la sua carta Platinum ovunque lei sia, in modo semplice e veloce

Card24 App è accessibile a livello internazionale ed è scaricabile gratuitamente sia dall’Apple App Store sia da Google Play. Grazie a card24 App può accedere rapidamente alla disponibilità della sua carta, cercare le transazioni che la interessano e congelare istantaneamente la sua carta in caso di necessità.


I vantaggi della Platinum per tutta la famiglia

Richieda delle carte partner per i suoi cari o soci, che riceveranno i suoi stessi vantaggi. Può fissare un limite di spesa per ogni carta partner nell’ambito del suo limite globale. Contatti la sua banca per maggiori informazioni.


Global Card Concierge 24/7/365


Information about Publisher, Concept, and Design


Cornèr Bank Ltd.
Via Canova 16
6901 Lugano
Tel. +41 91 800 41 41

Concept and Design

ICS ADV, Milano

© 2022 – all rights reserved. Cornèr Bank Ltd., Cornèrcard


Terms of Use
Please read these terms of use carefully. By accessing this website (, the Cornèrcard App, and any of its pages and content, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted the following terms and conditions and their legal notices, and the material contained therein.

Unless specified otherwise, the entire content of the website and the Cornèrcard App is subject to copyright. All rights belong to Cornèr Bank Ltd. The material is freely accessible for consultation purposes only. Duplication of this material, or parts thereof, in any written or electronic form is permitted only with explicit mention of Cornèr Bank Ltd. The express permission of Cornèr Bank Ltd. is required for any reproduction of this material.

Ownership of the Website, the Cornèrcard App, and Trademarks
None of the elements designed for the website and/or the Cornèrcard App constitute an implied license or right to use any image, trademark, service identification mark, or logo. Downloading or copying any material or software from the website and/or the Cornèrcard App does not grant any right to the material or software. Cornèr Bank Ltd. reserves all the rights deriving from the copyright and ownership of the trademarks of all material on the website and in the Cornèrcard App.

In certain cases, Cornèr Bank Ltd. makes use of so-called cookies. A cookie is a small file that is sent from the web server to your Internet browser and is stored on your computer. This allows Cornèr Bank Ltd. to recognize you when you next visit. Cookies and similar techniques are also used to facilitate certain processes, services, and transactions, for example when you use a virtual shopping cart in an electronic shopping center on the Internet. You can configure your browser to cause a warning to appear on your screen before a cookie is stored or to render placement of cookies impossible.

Data Protection; Use and Disclosure of Data
The Privacy Policy is available via this link:

No Offer
No information, opinion, or other content of this website and/or the Cornèrcard App constitutes or should be construed as an invitation, offer, or recommendation to buy or sell any securities, financial instruments, advice, financial services, or transactions of any kind. No service, investment, or open fund mentioned on the website and/or the Cornèrcard App is available to any person resident in a country or region where the sale and distribution would violate applicable local laws and regulations. The services and financial instruments may not be available to or suitable for the public.

No Warranty
Although Cornèr Bank Ltd. has made every effort to ensure the reliability of the information contained on the website and in the Cornèrcard App at the time of publication, Cornèr Bank Ltd. and its contracting partners make no express or implied warranty as to (and it cannot be held liable for) the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the information. The contents of the website and the Cornèrcard App are subject to change at any time without prior notice.
Our pages contain links to external websites of third parties. We have no influence on the contents of these linked websites. The respective provider or operator is always responsible for the correctness of such content, so we make no warranty whatsoever in this regard. We checked the external websites for possible violations of the law at the time when the links were set up. No such violations were detected at the time when the links were set up. However, it is not feasible to constantly examine all contents of the linked pages without actual evidence of an infringement of the law. If we become aware of any legal violations, we will immediately remove the affected links.

No Guarantee
The information and opinions contained on the website and in the Cornèrcard App are provided without guarantee of any kind, either express or implied, in the broadest sense of the applicable law. In the event of complaints regarding data, the Bank’s internal accounting will be decisive. Furthermore, Cornèr Bank Ltd. assumes no liability and offers no guarantee for the functionality of the website and/or the Cornèrcard App, or that it will not be interrupted or that it will be error-free and that defects will be corrected, or that the website, the Cornèrcard App, or the servers through which they are made accessible will be free of defects.
Due to the open configuration of the Internet, it is possible for third parties to gain unauthorized access to the connection between the computer of the user of the online services and the Bank’s IT system. To reduce this risk to a minimum, the user of the online services will use all the available means to protect the computer that he/she uses to access the IT system of the Bank. The user assumes all risk and responsibility for the consequences of any access by third parties.

Cornèr Bank Ltd. cannot under any circumstances be held liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by access to the website and/or the Cornèrcard App, or by use of the website and/or the Cornèrcard App, or by impossibility to access them or use the relevant material, including but not limited to the case of negligence.

Information regarding Investment Risks
A positive performance of investments in the past is no guarantee that they will continue to perform favorably in future. It cannot be ruled out that the value of an investment at the time of its liquidation will be less than that which it had at the beginning. Investments in foreign currencies may be subject to fluctuations in value due to oscillating exchange rates. The equity markets and economies of developing countries are often subject to significant fluctuations in value. Sometimes an investment is not immediately realizable and there are temporary difficulties in liquidating it, realizing the return, or obtaining accurate information about its value or about the level of risk associated with it.


On this page, you will find useful information on how to increase the level of security when using your card and handling sensitive data – especially online.


What Is Phishing?
Fraudsters attempt time and again via telephone, e-mail, SMS, or other similar means to access data linked to credit cards, online banking log-in details, and payment services. Their objective is to execute illegal transactions using the stolen data.

Please do not answer such requests under any circumstances, immediately delete e-mails or SMS messages of this kind, and never disclose your details.

Phishing via E-mail and SMS: Means of Detection
Fraud attempts usually follow a typical pattern:

  1. Fake E-mail, SMS, Etc.
    You receive a request that appears to originate from a financial institution or credit card company (e.g. Cornèrcard, Visa, or Mastercard).
  2. Prompt to Enter Data
    You are asked to disclose, change, or confirm personal data such as your card number, expiration date, security code (on the reverse of the card), username, or passwords.
  3. Redirection to a Fake Website
    In order to enter the data, you may be taken via a link to a fake website that looks deceptively similar to the real website of the respective financial institution or credit card company.
  4. Entry and Saving of Data
    On the fake website, you are prompted again to enter your data. This allows the fraudsters to save the data and subsequently misuse it.

Please note the following security tips:

  • Important Principle
    Cornèrcard, Visa, or Mastercard will not ask you to disclose, change, or confirm personal data such as your card number, expiration date, security code (on the reverse of the card), username, or passwords.
  • Do Not Disclose Personal Data under Any Circumstances
    Do not disclose confidential data under any circumstances. Should you nevertheless have disclosed personal data, please contact our Help Line 24h immediately. You can find the number on the reverse of your Cornèrcard.
  • Take Caution When Using Links That Lead to Log-In Pages
    Do not click on any links to log-in pages on which you are required to enter your username and password. It is safer to type in the URL for a log-in page in the browser yourself.

Should you require any further information, please contact our Help Line 24h. You can find the number on the reverse of your Cornèrcard.

Onlineaccess and Internet Purchases

URLs Should Always Be Entered Manually in the Browser
To access the Onlineaccess log-in page, enter the URL in the browser manually whenever possible. Do not use any links that direct you to Onlineaccess from a different website or an e-mail. Otherwise, you could be taken to a fake website without realizing it (see also the information under “Phishing”).

Always Exit Onlineaccess Using the Log-Out Function
Always exit Onlineaccess by using the log-out function. Simply closing the browser window will not be sufficient to end the encrypted connection. After logging out, also delete the browser cache.

Use a Secure Password
Your initial password for Onlineaccess will be sent to you by post. Please change this password upon logging in for the first time. The new password must contain at least eight characters. Combinations that are easy to guess, such as birthdays, telephone numbers, or license plate numbers, should be avoided. You can ensure an even greater level of security by regularly changing your password. You should also make sure not to save your password anywhere or to disclose it to anybody.

More Secure Purchases with Secure E-Commerce
With Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode, Cornèrcard offers the globally recognized security standards for ensuring more secure online shopping. When making purchases in online shops that are equipped with this system, check whether your personal assurance message also appears while completing the payment process. This guarantees that you are actually being prompted by Cornèrcard to approve the purchase. In order to use the two standards, you require Onlineaccess, a complimentary additional service.

Check the Padlock in the Status Bar and “https”
Check whether and how your connection is secured. The closed padlock in the browser status bar indicates that you are working with an encrypted website. If you click on this padlock, you can also see the version of the encryption software.


Some basic rules on how to use the Internet safely can be found below:

Take Caution When Working on Third-Party Computers
Never leave your PC unattended, in particular in public areas (e.g. in Internet cafés). Always exit Onlineaccess using the log-out function and delete the browser cache.

Do Not Open Any Other Browser Windows
If you have established a secure Internet connection, no other browser windows should be open. This ensures that the encryption cannot be circumvented.

Different E-mail Addresses for Different Applications
In addition to your usual e-mail address, we recommend that you set up a further address in order to provide protection against spam. You can use this address in cases where you would like to use the service of a website that you are unfamiliar with and the website requires the provision of an e-mail address. This will enable you to protect your personal e-mail address against a flood of spam e-mails.

Wireless Networks
Especially when working with wireless networks (WLAN), special attention should be given to security and, in particular, encryption. Please also note the recommendations of the Reporting and Analysis Centre for Information Assurance (MELANI) of the Swiss federal government published at

Peer-to-Peer Networks and File-Sharing Websites
In a peer-to-peer network, all computers are equal and are able to both use and provide services. For example, file-sharing websites for exchanging music or videos use this form of communication. Networks of this kind can, however, entail significant risks, as users access unknown systems from which they download potentially dangerous data to their own computers.

Protect Your Own PC

You can protect your computer against viruses and other risks with a few simple measures:

Keep Your Virus Protection Up to Date
Install an antivirus program on your computer and make sure to update it regularly (at least once a week). Most programs include an automatic update function.

Install a Firewall
A firewall is like an electronic security fence standing between the Internet and your computer that controls incoming and outgoing data. Firewalls offering various levels of protection are available on the market.

Update Your Browser and Operating System
Always use the latest browser and operating system versions and, in particular, install the most recent security patches made available by the respective providers. Set up your system so that it automatically informs you about updates.
The latest versions of the most popular browsers can be found on the following pages:

Microsoft Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:

Detailed information regarding security and possible dangers online is also provided by the Reporting and Analysis Centre for Information Assurance (MELANI) of the Swiss federal government at

Privacy Policy

Basic Principle
Your personal data will be treated with confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (Bundesgesetz über den Datenschutz – DSG) and with the utmost care. Your data will not be sold or leased out. Cornèrcard is entitled to assign the rights under the card contract to third parties, who are themselves obliged to maintain secrecy to the same extent as Cornèrcard itself, in accordance with Article 9 of the General Terms and Conditions.

Collection of Usage Data
Cornèrcard collects statistical data on how subscribers read the newsletter (number of clicks, pages visited, etc.). This information is only used to improve the quality of the content and to provide you with the information that is of interest to you. It is not possible to draw conclusions about your identity.

Cancellation of Newsletter Subscription
You can unsubscribe from the Cornèrcard newsletter at any time. Simply click on the “Unsubscribe” link in the newsletter and follow the instructions.

Further Provisions
In all other respects, the General Terms and Conditions and the Conditions of Use for Services for Electronic Functionalities apply. The latest versions of these documents can be found on the following page: